Independent Corrosion Consulting by Dr. Binder Singh

Pragmatic corrosion solutions

Dr. Binder Singh
BEng, MS, PhD, CEng, PE, FIMechE, FIMareST

Binder Singh, Principal/CEO

Binder Singh, Principal/CEO

Dr. Binder Singh is an accomplished technical authority, and leader in corrosion & integrity management (C&IM), materials performance, technology adaptation, with more than 35 years of distinguished experience in the UK nuclear/marine/offshore and USA Gulf of Mexico oil & gas sectors (apprx. 1⁄2 & 1⁄2). He has 'mixed it up' and cut his eye teeth with many power, marine, naval, and offshore campaigns; often being instrumental to resolve the balance of an engineering fix with cost effectiveness.   His strong views on safety are embedded via his early career in the nuclear industry, and naval contracts, as exemplified by some examples recollected in the Projects page.

He advocates life long learning in all fields of endeavor but perhaps with some concentration in areas of most immediate interest! Binder is presently retained by AIMS International as Corrosion expert, consulting on infrastructure projects. For more Information SEE VIDEO at bottom of page, or click here.

A strong proponent of cross-functional teams, he has long championed the virtues of linking corrosion and mechanical integrity management.  And has formulated defensible pragmatic risk oriented solutions to corrosion, materials, and integrity engineering issues from design (Green field thru life cycle, Brown field, and indeed post design life 'Ageing' assets). Many of these solutions have been practice proven, and are recorded in the projects listing given. He opines that the key to all corrosion, materials and IM problems is that where precedence, or knowledge is available it can be successfully sought out, re-interpreted and applied albeit with defensible modification, and a Client agreed risk tolerance factor. In that regard he often proposes qualitative or semi quantitative ALARP based solutions to maintain fit for purpose rather than absolute solutions. 

Binder is a UMIST/Manchester University PhD, Texas Professional Engineer (PE) , Chartered Engineer UK, Chartered Marine Engineer UK, Elected Fellow of the IMECHE, and Elected Fellow of the IMAREST. All his Education has been in England and most of his working career has now been in Texas. He has been active within NACE, IMECHE, IMAREST, ASTM, SPE (Conferences, Committees, and Workshops); ISO Structural Integrity Management (SIM) group per Standards, Codes, & Recommended Practice developments. He is a strong advocate of multi-disciplined science, technology and engineering; connecting with, and leading corrosion, materials, metallurgy, mechanical, and flow assurance SME's in particular. As a result Binder has developed major workable differentiators designed to help solve complex corrosion, materials performance, expert witnessing, mechanical integrity  issues, and identified areas of future concern such as climate change effects on infrastructure corrosion and materials degradation. 

Along with methods to pre-empt such 'predictables' amongst which include: impact of pre corrosion, poor storage of equipment prior to installation and commissioning, corrosion under excursions (CUE), correlations across systems, assets & industries, better use of existing technologies via adaption and modification, optimum control of conservatism to support use of steel rather than CRA's, creative use of Inhibitors, CP/coatings ( internal and external), effective use of re-appraisal,  concept and monetization of HSEQ$,  implementation of concurrent design, effective use of MOC, ALARP resolution of all ( 15+) localized corrosion mechanisms,  better inclusion of flow regimes and non dimensional analyses, more effective use of CRA's, more persuasive repairs and retrofits, etc. See Key Lessons learned and predictions Page. 

He has considerable experience with design, corrosion audit, failure investigations, troubleshooting, corrosion testing, expert witnessing, monitoring/inspection, corrosion risk, design & operability KPI's, applied industrial research, etc; with many industry workshops, panels, forums, etc. He has held proactive Secretariats, and Chairmanships of IMECHE and NACE Texas Groups, as well as intra-company collaboratives, focusing on mechanical, corrosion, materials, metallurgical, flow assurance, HSE and process safety groups.  

Dr Singh has led and executed initiatives for the development safe and cost effective engineering solutions based on new provable approaches; cross asset knowledge management, and the better use of existing technologies. Whilst his career has been predominantly in the private sector, he has published and presented extensively; with more than 55 papers & presentations as SME (peer reviewed internally or externally). He has been/is an invited technical reviewer of many Conference and Journal papers. Chaired and participated with industrial working parties, panels and engineering solution developments;  and advocated via Engineers without Borders (EWB), and more recently with Corrosion AI&ML (Artificial Intelligence/MachineLearnings) with other SME’s.

Overall he has authored, co- authored, rendered, or approved a vast multitude of reports, studies, designs, certifications, verifications, opinions, recommendations, etc frequently managing multi-disciplined, often cross cultural teams. Binder has engaged with Industry JIP’s (Ohio/Tulsa/Deepstar), committees, workshops, lectures, Society meetings via NACE, IMECHE, IMAREST, ASTM, SPE, ISO, ASME, etc carefully promoting collaboration between academia, institutions, and industry to maximize best fit for purpose answers to difficult engineering problems. Where feasible he has coordinated industry liaison with problem solving goals as exemplified by recent works with the University of Houston Texas (Corrosion Certifications & MSc development), UWI (Port of Spain campus per MSc projects), Manchester University Alumni liaison, and MST (Missouri) PhD progress and research proposals.

Workwise, Binder has developed powerful differentiators relevant to corrosion problem solving based on his experience and creation of calculation sequences, methodologies and 'algorithms' thus giving clients a sense of pragmatic verifiable solutions within company levels of risk tolerance. More specifically his expertise includes, third party reviews/verification, corrosion analysis, materials selection, testing, inspection, modeling, adaptive monitoring, data cull & interpretation, applied R&D leadership, technology evolution, failure investigations, safety, troubleshooting, compliance and expert witnessing.  His global professional status via CEng, PE, CMarEng, FIMECHE,  & FIMAREST, has traditionally given him unique access to a wealth of relevant project and subject matter detail.  This background gleaned from a career out of the Nuclear, Marine, Offshore, and Subsea industries has proven invaluable to the ‘addressation’ of modern day corrosion, materials, and integrity engineering issues. Noting that during the difficult Covid19 period, information exchange and knowledge management have seemingly improved! Historians will no doubt explain that in the future (!?)

When not looking at rust, his other interests include family, travel, sports, reading, and history in particular that of the USA, Great Britain, and India.  If you have mind to listen, he is happy to talk, and if you have mind to talk, he is happy to listen. 

CAVEAT: It is fair to add the caveat that since much of the career work done involves confidential data, full findings or tough decisions are not always releasable, and so limited information only in good faith is disseminated. However with the accepted nature of consulting it is appropriate where possible to cross benefit all readers and clients with the pragmatic knowledge accrued and lessons learned. And in that context, most of the work has to be general in nature only - though much has been published with employer permission, and is in the available or public domain via papers, presentations, forums, etc. 

The global cost of corrosion is estimated to be US$2.5 trillion, which is equivalent to 3.4% of the global GDP (2013). By using available corrosion control practices, it is estimated that savings of between 15 and 35% of the cost of corrosion could be realized; i.e., between US$375 and $875 billion annually on a global basis. These costs typically do not include individual safety or environmental consequences. Through near misses, incidents, forced shutdowns (outages), accidents, etc., several industries have come to realize that lack of corrosion management can be very costly and that, through proper corrosion management, significant cost savings can be achieved over the lifetime of an asset. To achieve the full extent of these savings, corrosion management and its integration into an organization’s management system must be accomplished by implementing a Corrosion Management System (CMS).
— Reference: NACE Impact Study 2016