Major Papers/Presentations/Workshops
Note: Vast majority are peer reviewed (internal /external) and most are in the available domain, on request - some permissions may be required - contact Binder if you need.
B. Singh, Research in Progress; Climate Change, Corrosion and Integrity Management, NACE, Houston, TX, March 2020 (Conf. Postponed- Extended abstract Only).
B. Singh, Invited Presentation, Workshop # G01 ASTM, Corrosion Inhibitors: Mindful Multi-disciplined Engineering for Laboratory Evaluation, Marriot Marquis, Houston, November 5th, 2019, TX, USA.
B. Singh, Edited/reviewed/co-authored batch of 10 papers (Materials 363) for marine metallic, and non-metallic materials, mechanical, testing, welding, and corrosion engineering topics, Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (EMOE), Wiley & Sons published 2019.
Singh B., R. Wittkower, and A. Bhattacharya; HSE Role and Advances in Offshore Corrosion and Integrity Management, Safety 2018 ASSE Conference, St Antonio, Texas, June 6th, 2018.
Tim Martin and Binder Singh; Offshore Life Cycle Materials Performance, Encyclopaedia of Maritime & Offshore Engineering (EMOE), Wiley Library, January 2018.
Paul Jukes & Binder Singh, Marine and Subsea External Seawater Side Corrosion, EMOE Contribution, Wiley Library, January, 2018.
Deborah Buswell, Jack Smart, Binder Singh, Properties of Materials, EMOE Contribution, Wiley Library, Jan 2018.
NACE CORCON 2017, Invited Paper: Advances in Offshore Corrosion and Integrity Management, Mumbai, India, 17-20th Sept 2017.
NACE 2017, Asset Integrity Management NACE Committee TEG 529X Invited Co-presentation, Ana Battarchya* & Binder Singh, New Orleans, March 30th 2017.
BP training modules, 3 off Interactive Lectures on: Mechanical performance, Corrosion, and Materials Selection, BP operations staff (Alaska, Trinidad, offices) Dec 15th 2016, Houston, TX. (* Presenter)
AMCHAM Conference, Invited Presentation, Life Cycle Corrosion & Integrity Management -Updates plus Q/A Panel, Port of Spain Trinidad &Tobago, Nov 2016.
IMECHE Society Evening dinner, Lecture Mechanical Engineering, Corrosion & Integrity Management, Black Labrador Function room, Houston TX, Nov, 2016.
Technip Global Metallurgy Webinar Forum, Newcastle UK - Binder Singh & Joe Bradburn; Offshore Corrosion Management, Materials Performance, Integrity Management for Life Cycle. Sept, 2016.
Binder Singh, Invited Presentation, and Workshop Panel Q&A, NACE Corrosion Technology Week (CTW), TEG 529X Committee Mtg, Aug, 2016.
Binder Singh et al multi-disciplined - Technical Notes for Clients (desk top studies C-in-C) re subsea choke failures, and corrosion modeling for ageing assets 2016.
Binder Singh et al, multi-disciplined comprehensive internal Paper (C-in-C). Applied R&D findings for corrosion & IM management 2015-2016
S. M. Hasan S.M., J. Hults, B. Singh, Risk Based Design of Pipelines and Risers, Pipeline and Gas Journal, Vol 242, No 11, November 2015.
E&P Mag. Energy Experts Tackle Corrosion, Teledyne Focus day - HP/HT Challenges (Author Velda Addison), B Singh Q&A panel with WG, Teledyne & DNV participants, Nov 17th 2014.
Binder Singh Invited presentation Corrosion and Integrity Management -Tropical Environments, Port of Spain, T&T 7-8th Oct 2015 (19th HSSE Conference American Chamber of Commerce).
Binder Singh, Offshore Engineer, Invited Article; Safety from a Design Consideration, May 2015.
Binder Singh, Chair SPE/NACE Deepwater Corrosion and IM workshop, involving leading, review all submits & co-ordination of multiple symposium chairs Austin Texas 17-18TH Feb 2015.
Singh B; J Bradburn, S. Hasan; Research in Progress (RIP) Symposium, NACE Conference Dallas Texas (Written extended Abstract only), March 2015.
Binder Singh, Invited presentation to NACE NE Canada, St Johns Offshore Corrosion Management: Risk and Lessons Learned, October 2014.
Binder Singh, Invited Presenter and Panelist for Memorial Workshop -Corrosion and IM under Harsh Conditions, St Johns Canada, October 2014.
Binder Singh, Invited presentation to ASME (NW Chapter at Stress Engineering, Houston TX) Offshore Corrosion & Mechanical Integrity: Risk & Lessons Learned, Aug 28th 2014.
Binder Singh, Iona Grigorescu, Qiang Zeng, Corrosion Assessment, Corrosion Allowance and Integrity Management (A Risk Based Methodology), NACE 2014, San Antonio, TX, Mar.10th 2014.
B. Singh, Invited Panelist, Ist IMAREST Offshore Oil & Gas Technology Conf. Offshore Corrosion, Materials, Integrity Challenges- Lessons & Solutions. Houston, TX, Aug 21-22nd, 2013.
B. Singh, Invited presenter/panelist: Corrosion & IM under Harsh Environments; Safety, Integrity Management Operations Harsh Environments; St John's NF, Canada, March 19-20, 2013.
Binder Singh, Pragmatic, Risk and Corrosion Allowance, Risk Management of Corrodible Systems, NACE Conference Washington DC June 18-20th, 2013.
Poblete Ben, Binder Singh, Ron DeJong, et al, Lean Risk Management Are We Identifying Risks Accurately? MKOPSC, TAMU, College Station, TX, 23rd Oct, 2012.
Binder Singh, Corrosion and Integrity Management Lessons Learned, Technip Metallurgy Forum, Houston, TX, 19th Oct, 2012.
Bob Wittkower, Paul Jukes, Binder Singh et al, The Preliminary HAZOP: Advocacy for use early- on in Design Process, ISOPE Conf. and proceedings, Hawaii, 19-24th June 2011, (Presented by Paul Jukes).
B. Singh, A. Lindsay, (Invited) Research Symps: From The North sea to the GOM - V2, Making the Link between Corrosion Research & Best Practices, NACE Houston, TX, March 16th 2011.
Binder Singh and Bob Chalker (NACE Interview) -Invited Journal Special: Integrity Management Solutions for Offshore Pipeline Corrosion, pub. Pipeline & Gas Journal, Vol 238 No 3, Mar 2011.
Binder Singh, Annual visiting lecture series at University of Houston (via Prof. R. Pascalli) College of Mechanical Engineering Technology: Pipeline Materials Performance, March 10th, 2011.
Binder Singh, Paul Jukes, Bob Wittkower, Ben Poblete, Learning the Lessons of Deepwater Asset Integrity, Offshore Magazine, Nov 2010.
Bob Wittkower, Paul Jukes, Binder Singh et al; Early HAZOP Advocation: Best Practices, MKOPSC, Safety Conference, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, Oct 2010 (presented B. Wittkower)
Binder Singh, Invited Feature Article by Journal Interview: Deepwater Corrosion Integrity Management Materials Performance Journal Aug 2010.
A. Botto, M. Hull, B. Singh, T. Golczynski, & R Wittkower, Best Practice Riser Integrity Management, and its Applicability to Greenfield and Brownfield Developments, ASME/OMAE 2010-20894, Shanghai China, June 6-11th 2010
B. Singh, P. Jukes, R. Wittkower, B. Poblete, Piper Alpha & Evolution of Inherently Safe Design & IM: Overview Interpretations & Lessons Learned; # 20907, Proc ASME 29th Intl Conf. Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Eng'g, OMAE2010, Shanghai, June6-11, 2010. (Presented by P. Jukes)
B. Singh, P. Jukes, R. Wittkower, B. Poblete, Invited: “20 Years On-Lessons learned Piper Alpha Evolution of Concurrent & Inherently Safe Design” J Loss Prevention Proc Ind. (JLPPI), MKO 2009.
Binder Singh, Paul Jukes, Meghan Hull: Offshore Asset Integrity Management Interpretation of Lessons Learned Post Piper Alpha, Lecture, to students and faculty, TAMU April 9th, 2010.
Binder Singh, Invited presentation; Deepwater Corrosion Management: ‘Conservatism in Design- To Be or Not to Be’ Forum, Panel Q&A: Offshore Challenges, NACE 2010, San Antonio, Texas.
Binder Singh, Evening Lecture at University of Houston, College of Technology, Houston, Texas: Materials Performance and Corrosion of Pipelines, 11th March 2010.
Binder Singh, Paul Jukes, Ben Poblete Bob Wittkower: Deepwater Asset Integrity Management Interpretation of Lessons Learned Post Piper Alpha, DOT Conf., Houston, Texas, Feb 2-4 2010.
Binder Singh, Paul Jukes, Ben Poblete, Bob Wittkower: ‘20 years on- Lessons Learned from Piper Alpha The Evolution of Concurrent and Inherently Safe Design’ Beyond Regulatory Compliance, Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center, Texas A&M Univ. College Stn, TX, Oct 27- 28th 2009.
Paul Jukes, Binder Singh, Ayman Eltaher: ‘Recent Devs. in Critical Thermal, Corrosion, Material Issues Related to Flowline Pipe-in Pipe (PIP), PECOM, Valhermosa, Mexico, Nov., 2009 (Presented Ayman).
B. Singh, P. Jukes, B. Wittkower, B. Poblete, Invited: ‘New Frontiers’ Macae, Brazil ‘Offshore IM 20 years on-Overview Lessons Learnt Post Piper Alpha’ 16-18 June 2009 (presented by Brasil office).
B. Singh, P. Jukes, R. Wittkower, B. Poblete, OTC Houston, OTC-20051-PP, ‘Offshore Integrity Management 20 years On-Overview of Lessons Learnt Post Piper Alpha’ 4-7th May 2009.
Binder Singh IMAREST, Hess, Houston, TX 23rd Apr. 2009. Invited presentation: Offshore Integrity Management 20 years on-Overview Lessons Learnt Post Piper Alpha’ 4-7th May 2009.
Binder Singh, Kana Krishnathasan, Pragmatic Effects of Flow on Corrosion Prediction, NACE2009, Paper# 09275 Atlanta, Georgia, March 22-26th, 2009.
Binder Singh University of Houston, co-ordinated by: Professor Raresh Pascalli, Evening Lecture to: Mechanical Students, talk: ‘Materials Performance & Corrosion of Pipelines’ Feb 14th 2008.
Binder Singh, Kana Krishnathasan, Tawfik Ahmed, ( article) Predicting Pipeline Corrosion, Pipeline and Gas Technology Journal, October 2008.
B. Singh, K. Krishnathasan: Making the Link b/w Inherently Safe Design, Integrity Management, and Pigging. The Pipeline, Pigging, Integrity Management Conf. Houston, TX, 12-15th Feb, 2008.
Paul Jukes, Binder Singh, Jose Garcia, Francois Delille, ISOPE, Vancouver, Canada, pp # TPC -297, Critical Thermal, Corrosion, Material, Issues related to Flowline Pipe- in -Pipe Systems, Oct 2008.
Binder Singh, ASM/NACE, Joint Meeting Brady's Landing, Houston, Texas, Presentation entitled ‘Materials Corrosion and Inherently Safe Design’ Presented, Jan-9th-2007.
Binder Singh, Tom Folk, Paul Jukes, Jose Garcia, Wayne Perich, Dirk Van Oostendorp, NACE Nashville, TN, ‘Engineering Pragmatic Solutions for CO2 Corrosion Problems’ March 2007.
B. Singh, T. Folk, P. Jukes, et al NACE- Research In Progress‘North Sea to the Gulf Of Mexico- Making the Link between Corrosion Research and Best Practice’ San Diego, CA, Mar. 14th, 2006.
Ben Poblete, Binder Singh, Graeme Dalzell, ‘The Inherent Safe Design Offshore Installation - A leap of Faith’ Chemical Plant Safety Conf. Texas A&M Univ., Oct 23-24th 2007 (presented Ben Poblete).
B. Singh, JPKenny, Company Lecture: To ‘Young Guns’ (JPK Training program new Graduates). Subject: ‘Corrosion and Pipelines- Some Pragmatic Guidelines and Learnings’, April 19th, 2007.
Binder Singh, Jim Britton, Ben Poblete, George Smith, NACE 2005, Paper# 05553, ‘The 3R`s: Risk, Rust and Reliability’ April 2005.
Binder Singh, Jim Britton, Dave Flannery, NACE 2003, Paper# 03114 ‘Offshore Corrosion Failure Analyses- A Series of Case Histories’ San Diego, CA, March 2003.
B. Singh, J. Britton, Offshore Risk Based Corrosion Integrity Management- A New Methodology, NACE Paper# 01008, Hou/Texas, Apr. 2001. Developed and advanced, 2001-2017.
B. Singh Offshore Risk Based Corrosion Integrity Management Panel Meeting, NACE Houston Chapter April 11th 2000.
Other Key Reports, Studies, Papers, Patents (Date Titles Approximated)
Over 500 major career deliverables, reports, case studies, opinions, certificates issued; spanning Nuclear, Marine, Offshore, and Energy industries; learning’s applied for multiple projects.
Influential in the Industry transformation of integrity assessments and modeling, (from early original works of others to later risk based approaches for efficient engineering management.
Corrosion and Integrity Management Industry ‘Status Quo’ white paper Internal C-in-C 1999.
Corrosion Asia 1994 Singapore, paper on Corrosion Management, Delivered, June 1994.
NACE 1993 Sandefjord, Norway, Paper Corrosion Engineering in the North Sea, Delivered 1993.
ICorr UK Conf. Extended abstract- Offshore Failure Case Histories, Manchester, UK, Oct 1992.
Marine Club - Invited presentation topic: Marine failures - case histories, London est.1990.
Patent: Roadside Energy System, Ref:P6349/LH/NP/NM, I. Devlin, B. Singh, D. Gall; Murgitroyd & Co. Chartered Patent Agents/Euro. Attorneys; 333 Mitchell House, Bath St, Glasgow G24ER, UK ca. 1992.
RNEC Royal Naval Engineering College – Conference paper: Binder Singh, Don Bartlett, et al,
New Inhibition Scheme Development for Cooling Water Systems, Plymouth UK ca.1988.